“All the different traditions, religions and schools of thought are petals in the flower that is Human Spirituality.”



bridging & celebrating
spiritual differences

Ideas that define our organisation

One Humanity

We are all human beings and are all seeking for Peace, Love & Understanding. Both in our own ways & in ways that we share with each other.

We recognise that this need is essential to all of us and that it is the main nourishment that religions and spiritual traditions provide.

We are one giant family and thrive when we treat each other as such.

Ecosystem of Love & Light

As traditions of faith and transcendence, we together form an Ecosystem of Love & Light.

Although we may work in different places and with different tools, we are United by a single Purpose. A purpose that is Divine.

Let us (further) cultivate inner awareness of this unity in Purpose and let us work towards proving it on the outside as well.

One Planet

As humanity we share our home not only with each other, but also with other species. Our planet is irreplacable and is a house that was given for us to use without owning it.

If we continue to care for the house and the life within it in ways that disregard the principles of harmony, we are signing up for a chaotic and perilous future.

It is our duty to care well for what is ours to care for.

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